My new post for Ikea Family Live, about Christmas time in my family and new recipe for special Christmas muffins – enjoy!Have a great Christmas!…
My new post for Ikea Family Live, about Christmas time in my family and new recipe for special Christmas muffins – enjoy!Have a great Christmas!…
the cat is from Thailand, for happiness and sweet money :-)/ kotek z Tajlandii dla szczęśliwości i kochanych pieniążków :-)the calendar – from Japan, the picture on december's page – for tip how to spend long, winter evenings / kalendarz z Japonii, grudniowy obrazek to wskazówka na długie, zimowe, c…
knock, knock...is anybody there? it's me, kavka here :-) Hello everybody!What's New?1. New Friend. Let me introduce you my new cute friend i've got from super talented, super charming and super SUPER MISZ! I'm so happy having possibility to meet you! Thank you again!!! check his website here and fi…
New, 2012, must be good year, with the calendar like this I don't see the other situation! / Nowy, 2012 rok musi być dobry, z tym kalendarzem NIE WIDZĘ TEGO INACZEJ!This beautiful calendar made by Camilla you could buy here / kalendarz Camilli możecie kupić tu----------------------------------------…
It's been ages since I was here for the last time. I'm very bad in reconciling full time job with writing my blog. I don't have time for anything, it's so sad and stressful for me, and you know what – I missed you so much. Now I know how this blog, and "being with you" thanks to this place, is impo…
What I really need today (the day was so stressful) is biscuit, mug of strong black tea, sweet memories of the summer & good book / To czego dziś potrzebuję (po bardzo stresującym dniu) to herbatnik (jestem maniakiem klasycznego herbatnika, nie za słodkiego, idealnie kruchego, takiego pękającego na …
Rain, wind, horrible weather in Poland now. I need sun so much! To improve my mood few pics in orange & yellow taken in India. Look at this cute, so relaxed dog in the cloakroom in one of the Hindu temple, lucky guy :-)I'm thinking about my future holiday in Thailand, making some preparations, readi…
new items in my shop, take a look :-) / nowe obrazki w sklepiku, zajrzyjcie :-)I taki fajny link na dziś: anamarkowe candy :-)…
I was looking for something today and found these photos of my old flat. It was about 8-9 years ago when we lived in center of Warsaw in our first own, little but cute flat. We had many flats before, but all of them were rented. But what I want to say is about colours. I realized that over all these…
I feel like this rat today, on the run all the time... so I can say you good night, have beautiful dreams :-)/Rat is from Bremen, nice boy don't you think? / Dziś w biegu, jak ten bremeński szczur... więc pozostaje mi tylko życzyć Wam dobrej nocy i ślicznych snów kochani :-)-------------------------…
It's beautiful sunny Friday in Poland today :-) The swans (made of sugar) from my collection of strange but cute things look beautiful. / U mnie dziś piękny, słoneczny piątek. Cukrowe łabądki wyglądają dostojnie i ślicznie...the dwarf is heating in the sun / krasnal wygrzewa się w słońcu...livingroo…