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The coolest wallpaper:  In Monochrome tonesThe coolest wallpaper: In Monochrome tones

From illusory to geometric, there is enough wallpaper to please the world.  I'm drawn to monochromatic wallpaper lately for its ease to embrace whatever else is in the room.  These ones are among my favorites.  Enjoy!Cow Parsley wallpaper, Circus wallpaper, Balaustra wallpaper, Boa, Piccadilly, Mala…

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A Black and white adobeA Black and white adobe

The sofa by Maison Jansen was inherited by his grandmother.  I think the leather upholstery is just genius.  The tables are from the 50's.  If I ever find a table like these ones I would bring it home with me even if I need to buy an extra plain ticket.  Eric Yerno, the owner of this home where a mé…

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It's Friday and so it's the first day to start unwinding and getting mentally ready to do nothing else but enjoy family and friends.  My favorite day, as publicly stated here in this blog many times, is Sunday because everything seems to be perfect on these days.  Except when it rains and you have t…

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Miu MIu Suede accented sunglasses for saleMiu MIu Suede accented sunglasses for sale

Sadly I never got to try these fabulous sunglasses  before I asked a friend to purchase them for me in the US so when she brought them back and I finally did... it didn't go as expected.  Let's just say I'm no Miranda Kerr and I hopelessly have to sell them.  They never have been worn and they are i…

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kicks inspirationskicks inspirations

 Looking fabulous, relaxed and burning calories while wearing kicks.  Smart!Yes you read that title right!  If you still refer to these comfortable and stylish shoe options as sneakers, I hate to break the news to you, you're getting old!  They are not sneakers anymore they are called "kicks" and no…

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For the home: PlantersFor the home: Planters

Bronze planters, Rams head terracotta planter, Black faceted planter, Tin and Twine planter, Nickel planter, hand painted metal planter, White square planter, Case study planter, column planters ,It's Earth day today!  This beautiful and made-to-be-perfect, even though not so much lately, place wher…

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Steven Gambrel: On Children RoomsSteven Gambrel: On Children Rooms

With new home comes new decor.  Fun, fun!  We've been in this house for 7 months, although we didn't get our furniture until December so technically that's a little over three months living with our own furniture.  Since this apartment is a lot bigger than our previous home there is still a lot of t…

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Fashion trends:  Sculptural FashionFashion trends: Sculptural Fashion

Trends come and go and if you don't have a very open mind and have a fashion perspective, the first thought at any new trend could be daunting.  One that perhaps is easier to adapt to is the one with sculptural and/or Geometry shapes since its one that doesn't need much color to be striking.  Either…

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"And I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God, and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation."  Barack Obama.My prayers go out to those hurting physically and emotionally this m…

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Avery home should have:  ArtAvery home should have: Art

Smart composition in this room the horse leg bench makes reference to the indigenous photograph.  Elle Decor San Francisco ShowhouseSometimes art can make a room while many times it can also make a whole house.  I can't picture a home without it nor would I live in one without.  We all know art impl…

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