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Friday eye candy:  Fashion nowFriday eye candy: Fashion now

The best thing that's happened to fashion is the fact that has never been more about personal style and expression.  Long gone are the days when style would label and stereotype people and designate them to specific social circles.  I think fashion has done what reasoning never did, establish th…

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Technically a kitchenette is a very small kitchen running along a wall where strictly only the necessary equipments, cook top, microwave and a small fridge, are displayed.  They are usually found in small studios and people with style don't let the limited amount of space scare them off.  They know …

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Chanel shopping bag: Deauville toteChanel shopping bag: Deauville tote

Funny name, Chanel canvas shopping tote from 2012.   I would assume that the kind of client for Deauville tote bag is the kind that has many other types of Chanel bags.  Certainly not someone we would find in the aisles of our local super market.  So I keep thinking what can possibly one shop wit…

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White washed interiorsWhite washed interiors

Who would I fool if I tell you that I love all white interiors?  I don't really admire an all-white space.  I'm not dead yet!  If you linger and take a deeper look into my blog, you'll know that I favor colors a lot!  To be precise colors that are not crazy-looking but colors that complement a h…

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Forever beautiful living roomsForever beautiful living rooms

If you are a blogger you should know that the worst way to make a blog post is via your iPhone. It's truly a nightmare.  My google account doesn't seem to want to work today.  I get the massage of trying to access an untrusted site, funny! Go figure!  Lucky for me I had in mind what I wanted to post…

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